Kim Director measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Kim Director has starred in various films, such as "Book of Shadows 2" - Blair Witch 2' as and "Split" (also called by the title of Inside Man), and numerous others. Kim Director is an actor who regularly appears on the HBO drama series "The Deuce". She was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was a student at Upper St. Clair High School, and then graduated in the class of Carnegie Mellon University. Spike Lee's film about sports drama "He Had Game" which was released in 1998 was her first major movie part. Since then she's been on both smaller and bigger screens. Director is highly skilled and energetic. With her talents maturing her performance improves. She is able to play a variety of different characters that makes Director among the top Hollywood characters actresses. Numerous filmmakers and producers are awestruck by her. Even though Director's persona is private, she isn't one to enjoy giving details about her personal life.
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